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Paula Dearringer

During the 34 years I spent teaching middle school art I experienced working with many different art media, but painting has always been my favorite form of creating.  I’ve worked with oil, acrylic, tempera and watercolor, and while each painting medium has its pros and cons watercolor is by far my favorite!  I love all of the ways the paint can be manipulated to achieve interesting effects.


I consider my work to be eclectic in terms of subject matter, style and approach to painting.  The paintings you might see in my display at Art IN Hand Gallery could be very traditional in terms of approach and subject, a watercolor batik (painting done on rice paper much like a fabric batik using watercolor instead of dye), or pieces that are more abstract or non-objective.  As an amateur photographer I take photos of anything that might provide the inspiration for a future painting and occasionally use technology to enhance or alter the image before I begin painting.  I look for unexpected images and am especially attracted to cast shadows, bright colors, and interesting patterns.  Most of my work is created using a photo reference, although occasionally I create images that are totally from my imagination.   


Recently, and mostly for competition, I’ve been creating work in which the subject of the painting isn’t immediately obvious.  During the past 15 years I have had paintings accepted into several prestigious juried art shows including the Hoosier Salon, Midwest National Abstract Show, Indiana State Fair, and Watercolor Society of Indiana.  While currently a Signature Member, I hope to achieve the status of Cardinal Fellow in the Watercolor Society of Indiana within the next three years.   


Painting is not how I earn my living, it’s how I live.  As a member of Art IN Hand Gallery I am able to share my work with more people and support my habit as an art supply junkie!  I paint because I’ve found a subject that just needs to be captured and preserved in a painting.  I paint because it brings me joy.  If someone likes my work even more joy!

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